Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Minutes of the Public Hearing held on January 16, 2024 in the Civic Room of the Comox Valley Regional District offices located at 770 Harmston Avenue, Courtenay, BC commencing at 6:00 pm.
Chair:E. GrievePuntledge/Black Creek (Area 'C')
Director:D. ArbourBaynes Sound-Denman/Hornby Islands (Area 'A')
 R. HardyLazo North (Area B)
Staff:L. DennisManager of Legislative Services
 T. TrieuManager of Planning Services
 J. MacLeanSenior Planner - Development
 S. PawlukPlanner II
 A. BaldwinLegislative Services Assistant
The Chair acknowledged that the meeting was being held on the unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.
Chair Grieve read a prepared statement regarding the public hearing procedures.
J. MacLean, provided a brief description of Bylaw No. 792 being "Rural Comox Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 520, 2019, Amendment No 13".
The following items were provided for information regarding Bylaw No. 792 being "Rural Comox Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 520, 2019, Amendment No 13.
a) Zoning Bylaw Amendment application;
b) Bylaw No. 792 being "Rural Comox Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 520, 2019, Amendment No 13";
c) Staff reports and Advisory Planning Commission Letter:
- Staff reports to the Electoral Areas Services Committee;
- Letter dated July 25, 2023 to the Area C Advisory Planning Commission.
d) Agency referrals and responses;
e) Excerpts from the minutes of the Electoral Areas Services Committee, the Comox Valley Regional District Board and the Advisory Planning Commission meetings; and
f) The public hearing notice for publication in the local newspaper on January 3, 2024 and January 10, 2024.
Written submissions received pertaining to Rezoning RZ 2C 22 - 7200 Forbidden Plateau Road (Fry/ Hnatyshyn/ Galbraith-Hamilton) are attached and form part of these minutes.
Correspondence dated January 15, 2024 from Tracy Barr, adjacent neighbour, regarding Rezoning RZ 2C 22 - 7200 Forbidden Plateau Road (Fry/ Hnatyshyn/ Galbraith-Hamilton).
No further written submissions were received during the public hearing.
The applicant was provided an opportunity to present information regarding the Rezoning Application RZ 2C 22 - 7200 Forbidden Plateau Road (Fry/ Hnatyshyn/ Galbraith-Hamilton) and opted not to speak.
Chair Grieve called for speakers regarding the Rezoning RZ 2C 22 - 7200 Forbidden Plateau Road (Fry/ Hnatyshyn/ Galbraith-Hamilton).
Jeff Hamilton - has owned 190 acres in the area for 40 plus years and expressed the following views: The density is insufficient and there is a need for more development in the area; it is one of the few areas with public access and the only requirement would be serviced lots; there is a need for access to the Medicine Bowls and access further up - there is a lot of traffic in the area; the concept of creating growth in areas such as Union Bay and Saratoga Beach has failed and there is a need for growth; Failure to provide alternatives outside the Agricultural Land Reserve has put pressure on the Agricultural Land Reserve; J. Hamilton concluded that he agrees with everything in the proposal, but thinks there should be more density.
Stephen Bebb, 7750 Forbidden Plateau Road, spoke in support of the proposal and expressed the following views: they bought the 50 acre parcel to subdivide so each son could get their own parcel of land and thus protect the density without increasing the density which would protect the mountain; the area is unique and is used a lot, primarily for tourism; they have seen that the road has been difficult; S. Bebb remarked that he believes that 50 acre parcels are overkill for one lot and is in support of parcels being separated, and more development in the area.
Director Arbour enquired whether approval of this application would set a precedent as submitted by the City of Courtenay. J. MacLean, Senior Planner, confirmed that applications are considered on a "case by case" basis and this would not set a precedent.
Director Grieve enquired what the Ministry of Transportation 's position was regarding the road. J. Maclean, Senior Planner, confirmed that the Ministry had no plans to upgrade the road at this time.
Chair Grieve provided closing remarks and called for further submissions, including verbal and written submissions. The Chair reminded those present to submit any written comments to the comment box prior to the termination of the public hearing.
Chair Grieve called a second, third and final time for any further speakers. Hearing no speakers, the Chair declared the public hearing for Bylaw 792 terminated.
Time: 6:18 pm
 Confirmed this 23rd day of January, 2024.

E. Grieve

D. Arbour

Certified Correct:

Lisa Dennis, Manager of Legislative Services
Recorded By:

Antoinette Baldwin, Legislative Services Assistant

These minutes were received by the Comox Valley Regional District Board on the ____ day of ____________20.
Meeting Web Page