| | | |
The Chair acknowledged that the meeting was being held on the unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation and read the following Call to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action report:
Call to Action 39 - Justice:
We call upon the federal government to develop a national plan to collect and publish data on the criminal victimization of Aboriginal people, including data related to homicide and family violence victimization.
D. Hillian/B. Wells: THAT the board adjourn to an in-camera session pursuant to the following sub-sections of section 90 of the Community Charter:
90(1)(c) Labour relations or employee negotiations;
90(1)(i) The receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;
90(1)(k) Negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a regional district service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the committee/board, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the regional district if they were held in public; and,
90(2)(b) The consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the regional district and the provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party;
AND FINALLY THAT the in-camera portion convene immediately following the open portion of the meeting. |
208 | Carried |
Mike Keohane, Comox Valley Cycling Coalition (CVCC), provided an update on CVCC activities and requested a reallocation of grant funding to specific third party consulting projects that resolve uncertainties around rail trail construction in the CVRD and along the entire Island Corridor. |
E. Grieve/B. Wells: THAT the Comox Valley Regional District Board minutes dated December 12, 2023 be adopted. |
208 | Carried |
D. Hillian/K. Grant: THAT the report dated January 3, 2023 regarding support for a resolution to the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities (AVICC) on behalf of the Comox Strathcona Regional District Hospital (CSRHD) Board requesting that the Ministry of Health consider a review of the Hospital District Act to provide authority for regional hospital districts to direct grant funds to not-for-profit community health clinics and centres in rural, remote and indigenous communities be received. |
208 | Carried |
D. Hillian/E. Grieve: THAT the following resolution be submitted the 2024 Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities Annual General Meeting:
WHEREAS regional hospital districts are empowered to direct capital funding grants only to hospitals and hospitals facilities named by the Ministry of Health;
AND WHEREAS rural, remote and indigenous communities often rely upon community health clinics for medical care in the absence of any nearby health-authority owned and operated facilities;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities and Union of BC Municipalities request that the Province of BC review the Hospital District Act to provide enhanced authority to regional hospital districts to direct capital and operational grants to non-profit community health clinics and centres in rural, remote and indigenous communities. |
208 | Carried |
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT the report dated January 3, 2024 regarding a draft resolution for consideration by the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC), related to the funding of development cost charges (DCC) for supportive housing projects be received. |
208 | Carried |
M. Rutten, General Manager of Engineering Services, provided an overview of the report regarding a draft resolution for consideration by the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC), related to the funding of development cost charges (DCC) for supportive housing projects. |
K. Grant/V. Brown: THAT the following be forwarded to the 2024 Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities annual convention for consideration:
WHEREAS municipalities and regional districts are able to levy development cost charges on new development to help pay for the capital costs of growth-related infrastructure;
AND WHEREAS local governments are challenged with both adequately funding infrastructure and providing waivers or exemptions to development cost charges for certain types of supportive and rental housing;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities call on the provincial government to further increase funding levels to BC Housing and mandate the inclusion of funding for development costs charges as part of all capital grants.
208 |
D. Arbour/D. Hillian: THAT the motion be amended to include "AND FINALLY THAT this resolution also be submitted to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)". |
208 | Carried |
The vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, as follows: |
THAT the following be forwarded to the 2024 Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities annual convention for consideration:
WHEREAS municipalities and regional districts are able to levy development cost charges on new development to help pay for the capital costs of growth-related infrastructure;
AND WHEREAS local governments are challenged with both adequately funding infrastructure and providing waivers or exemptions to development cost charges for certain types of supportive and rental housing;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities call on the provincial government to further increase funding levels to BC Housing and mandate the inclusion of funding for development costs charges as part of all capital grants.
AND FINALLY THAT this resolution also be submitted to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM).
208 | Carried |
E. Grieve/D. Arbour: THAT the 15-metre site-specific building setback for a proposed accessory building relative to the 2100-year floodplain setback of Bylaw No. 600, being the “Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 600, 2020,” be denied on property described as Lot 1, District Lot 12, (Situate Partly within Lots 31G and 40G), Section 2A, Nelson District, Plan VIP67160, PID 024-214-787 (6448 Island Highway South). |
208 and 213 | Carried |
E. Grieve/D. Arbour: THAT Development Variance Permit DV 5C 23 (Braun) be approved to reduce the minimum rear yard setback from 7.5 metres to 4.5 metres for the foundation, and from 5.5 metres to 3.89 metres for the eaves of a proposed accessory building on property described as Lot 2 Block 29 Comox District Plan VIP81047, PID 026-682-311 (8838 Olund Road);
AND FINALLY THAT the Corporate Legislative Officer be authorized to execute the permit. |
208 and 213 | Carried |
E. Grieve/B. Wells: THAT Bylaw No. 813 being “Rural Comox Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 520, 2019, Amendment No 15” be given first and second readings concurrently. |
208 and 213 | Carried |
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT Bylaw No. 815 being “Comox Valley Regional District Parkland Development Cost Charges Bylaw No. 238, 2012, Amendment No. 2” be given first and second readings concurrently. |
209 | Carried |
K. Grant/K. Grant: THAT Bylaw No. 815 being "Comox Valley Regional District Parkland Development Cost Charges Bylaw No. 238, 2012, Amendment No. 2" be read a third time. |
209 | Carried |
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT Bylaw No. 799 being "Union Bay Water Service Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 697, 2022, Amendment No. 2" be adopted. |
207 | Carried |
K. Grant/B. Wells: THAT Bylaw No. 801 being "Comox Valley Water Local Service Area Parcel Tax Bylaw 2001, Amendment No. 3" be adopted. |
209 | Carried |
E. Grieve/W. Morin: THAT Bylaw No. 803 being "Royston Water Service Parcel Tax Bylaw 2010, Amendment No. 1" be adopted. |
207 | Carried |
E. Grieve/K. Grant: THAT Bylaw No. 805 being "Black Creek-Oyster Bay Water Local Service Area Parcel Tax Bylaw 2009, Amendment No. 2" be adopted. |
207 | Carried |
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT Bylaw No. 807 being "Graham Lake Water Service Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 807" be adopted. |
207 | Carried |
B. Wells/K. Grant: THAT Bylaw No. 808 being "Water Tolls Bylaw 2023 No. 100, Amendment No. 2" (Graham Lake) be adopted. |
207 | Carried |
D. Hillian/K. Grant: THAT Bylaw No. 809 being "Denman Island Water Regulation and Rates Bylaw, 1997, Amendment No. 8" be adopted. |
207 | Carried |
D. Hillian/B. Wells: THAT the correspondence dated January 2, 2024 from Jordan Wall, CAO, Town of Comox, regarding a request for a letter of support for a grant funding application through the Island Coastal Economic Trust to develop a comprehensive community broadband strategy be received. |
208 | Carried |
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT the CVRD provide a letter of support to the Town of Comox for its grant application to the Island Coastal Economic Trust, as requested in the correspondence dated January 2, 2024. |
208 | Carried |
E. Grieve/D. Arbour: THAT the matter of a regional community broadband strategy be referred to the Electoral Areas Services Committee to discuss options for broadband connectivity. |
208 | Carried |
E. Grieve/D. Hillian: THAT the addendum be considered. |
208 | Carried |
D. Hillian/B. Wells: THAT the correspondence dated January 9, 2023 from Chair Cole-Hamilton regarding the current labour dispute affecting transit service in the Comox Valley be received. |
208 | Carried |
E. Grieve/D. Arbour: THAT correspondence be sent to BC Transit and the Province of BC that:
a. voices concerns about the ongoing transit strike in the Comox Valley; and
b. requests that the Province of BC support the parties involved in the ongoing transit strike to find a resolution and return to providing transit services. |
208 |
B. Wells/V. Brown: THAT the motion be amended to include the following additional points:
c. request improved communication between BC Transit and elected officials;
d. request a meeting with BC Transit; and,
e. include the City of Campbell River in these communications.
208 | Defeated | NAY: Cole-Hamlton, Grant, Grieve, Hardy, Hiillian , Morin |
The vote was taken on the main motion, as written: |
E. Grieve/D. Arbour: THAT correspondence be sent to BC Transit and the Province of BC that:
a. voices concerns about the ongoing transit strike in the Comox Valley; and
b. requests that the Province of BC support the parties involved in the ongoing transit strike to find a resolution and return to providing transit services. |
208 | Carried |
D. Arbour/D. Hillian: THAT with respect to the ongoing transit labour dispute, the Board request improved communication between BC Transit and elected officials; request a meeting with BC Transit; and advise the City of Campbell River of these communications. |
208 | Carried |
K. Grant/E. Grieve: THAT the Board refer the matter of the structure, delivery and governance of the transit service to the strategic planning session in May 2024. |
208 | Carried |
The Board adjourned to its in-camera session at 5:37 pm. |
The Board rose from its restricted in-camera session at 7:06 pm and reported the following from the regular in-camera meeting: |
The release from in-camera of the staff report dated January 9, 2024 regarding the extreme weather response shelter update. |
B. Wells/D. Hillian: THAT the meeting terminate. |
208 | Carried |
Time: 7:06 pm. |
| Confirmed this 23rd day of January, 2024:
____________________________________ Will Cole-Hamilton Chair |
| Certified Correct and Recorded By:
Lisa Dennis
Manager of Legislative Services |